- Odgovorni organizator i prodavač
HNK Split- Trg Gaje Bulata 1, 21000 Split
- +385 (0)21 306 908
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Prema originalnoj autorskoj ideji redateljice Anice Tomić u koautorstvu s dramaturginjom Jelenom Kovačić i piscem Ivorom Martinićem site specific predstavu Priče s trajekta izvest će Drama HNK Split na trajektu "Oliver."
Predstava Priče s trajekta okuplja intimne priče svih naših otaca, majki, stričeva, baka i djedova, pa i nas samih koji smo se susretali na palubama trajekata ploveći na otoke ili se vraćajući s njih. Jadrolinija tako postaje žila kucavica koja povezuje ne samo nas i naše otoke, nego povezuje ljude, njihova sjećanja, nade i sve ostvarene i neostvarene snove.
Based on the original concept by director Anica Tomić, in collaboration with dramaturge Jelena Kovačić and writer Ivor Martinić, Stories from the Ferry is a site-specific performance by the CNT Split Drama ensemble on the ferry "Oliver."
The play Stories from the Ferry brings together the intimate stories of all our fathers, mothers, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers, and even ourselves who have met on the decks of ferries while traveling to or returning from the islands. Jadrolinija thus becomes the lifeline that connects us and our islands and people, their memories, hopes, and all realized and unrealized dreams.