- 40.00 EUR 1. kategorija
- 35.00 EUR 2. kategorija
- 30.00 EUR 3. kategorija
- 20.00 EUR 4. kategorija
- 15.00 EUR 5. kategorija
- Responsible organizer and seller
HNK Split- Trg Gaje Bulata 1, 21000 Split
- +385 (0)21 306 908
- [email protected]
- www.hnk-split.hr
Najljepša operna djela u izvedbi renomiranih solista te Zbora i Orkestra HNK Split pod dirigentskim vodstvom maestra Ive Lipanovića svečano će zatvoriti 70. Splitsko ljeto u Galeriji Meštrović.
The most beautiful opera works performed by renowned soloists and the Choir and Orchestra of the Croatian National Theatre Split, under the baton of maestro Ivo Lipanović, will ceremoniously close the 70th Split Summer Festival at the Meštrović Gallery.