- Datum
- Cijene
- Odgovorni organizator i prodavačHNK Split
- Trg Gaje Bulata 1, 21000 Split
- +385 (0)21 306 908
- [email protected]
- www.hnk-split.hr
- Lokacija
Gostovanje Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Zagrebu
Ishodišni tekstovi predstave Fafarikul dvije su knjige autorice i prevoditeljice Đurđice Čilić, Fafarikul i Novi kraj. Te su knjige zbirke crtica fragmentarne kompozicije koje ispreplićući sjećanja, početke i krajeve jednog života vješto dohvaćaju i repove naših života. Fafarikul je zbirka sjećanja na djetinjstvo, odrastanje i zrelost, o svemu onome prisutnome u jednom životu što prepoznajemo kada i nije s nama izravno povezano.
Guest Performance by the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb
The sources for the proposed performance Fafarikul are two books by writer and translator Đurđica Čilić: Fafarikul and The New End. These books mix anecdotes, memories, and the ends and beginnings of life. Fafarikul is a collection of a hundred stories, anecdotes, memories, errors, fears, defects, joys, and detours that lead to the right path, details that seem unimportant but are permanently and significantly engraved in our memory. It’s a collection of childhood memories, growing up, and the moment we live in, of small deaths and great joys - about everything present in one life that we recognize as unrelated or connected to a geographical place.