- Datum
- Cijene
- 16,00 EUR 1. kategorija
- 13,00 EUR 2. kategorija
- 11,00 EUR 3. kategorija
- 8,00 EUR 4. kategorija
- Odgovorni organizator i prodavačHNK Split
- Trg Gaje Bulata 1, 21000 Split
- +385 (0)21 306 908
- [email protected]
- www.hnk-split.hr
- Lokacija
55 kvadrata, tekst inspiriran svakodnevicom i kolumnom Jurice Pavičića, u "slice of life" maniri prati suvremenu splitsku obitelj tijekom ljetnih mjeseci. Izbačeni 1.5. iz stana koji unajmljuju, Lena i Tino odlučuju ljetne mjesece provesti kod Leninih roditelja, mlađeg brata i bake u stanu od 55 kvadrata. Osim najezde turista, ljeto u stanu otežava nepitka voda, požar koji se opasno približio gradu, te smrad odlagališta smeća koji se širi cijelim gradom, a posebno kad zapuše južina, metaforički podsjećajući na odnos grada prema svojim građanima.
Predstava kritički propituje nasljeđene obrasce višegeneracijskog suživota i mehanizme mediteranskog društva čije su društvene politike pod teretom kapitala sve nepovoljnije kako za pojedinca tako i za obitelj.
55 Square Meters, a text inspired by everyday life and the column of Jurica Pavičić, in a "slice of life" manner, follows a contemporary Split family during the summer months. Evicted from the apartment they were renting, Lena and Tino decide to spend the summer with Lena's parents, younger brother, and grandmother in a 55-square-meter apartment. In addition to the influx of tourists, the summer in the apartment is made more challenging by undrinkable water, a fire that dangerously approaches the city, and the stench of the garbage dump spreading throughout the city, especially when the southerly wind blows, metaphorically reflecting the city's relationship with its citizens.
The play critically examines inherited patterns of multi-generational coexistence and the mechanisms of Mediterranean society, where social policies are becoming increasingly unfavorable for individuals and families under the weight of capital.